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Home // פרויקטים // Safeguarding
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Children in grades 1-6
Safe environments where the educational and social climates protect children from sexual abuse
Sviva Betucha aims to help schools independently operate protective programs that create safe environments for all children, and in particular for children who are at risk of abuse or have been exposed to abuse. We do so by providing guidance and content for a variety of activities that change the school’s culture on multiple fronts:
Sviva Betucha is active in 68 elementary schools, totaling 560 classes. So far, 16,740 children have gone through the program and learned practical tools for creating a safe environment. Next year, we expect to serve around 150 schools, 3,000 teachers and 40,000 children.
To bring Sviva Betucha to your school, contact us at [email protected].
Address: Hartom st. 7, Beit Hadarim, Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem
Mail Delivery: P.O.B. 45701
Telephone: 077-8013000
Email: [email protected]